Gaming and Sleep

The World Health Organization has included ‘gaming’ in its list of mental health conditions. Sleep loss is one of the side effects. A 2012 study held by Flinders University found that participants who played video games for 150 minutes or more at night experienced a delay in falling asleep of 39 minutes, according to their sleep journals. They also lost an average of 27 minutes in total sleep loss during the night.

The researchers also found that playing games caused a drop on the amount of time spent in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep – a loss of 12 minutes for those who spent over two hours playing games. REM sleep is responsible for our mental restoration. Memory consolidation also occurs during this stage of sleep. Here’s a tip, switch off video games 2 hours prior to bed time and minimize your exposure to blue light. This will allow melatonin (our sleep inducing hormone) to be released, allowing us to fall asleep much faster.

Here are some other tips parents can use to help their get to sleep and to detach from online gaming: :

  1. Establish a consistent bedtime routine: This can help signal to your child that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

  2. Create a sleep-friendly environment: This means keeping the bedroom dark, cool, and quiet, and free from distractions like screens and loud noises.

  3. Limit caffeine and other stimulants: Caffeine can interfere with sleep, so it is important to limit caffeine intake, especially in the evening.

  4. Avoid heavy meals and drinks before bed: Eating a heavy meal or drinking a lot of fluids before bed can lead to discomfort and disrupted sleep.

  5. Encourage your child to relax: Help your child to relax before bed by engaging in calming activities like reading, listening to soft music, or taking a warm bath.

  6. Talk to your child about the importance of sleep: Explaining to your child why sleep is important can help them to understand the value of a good night's rest and encourage them to prioritize their sleep.

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The National Sleep Foundation:
Sleep Foundation:
American Academy of Sleep Medicine:


Sleep eating


Dream sleep