Home VS Hospital Based Sleep Testing: What are the Benefits?

The benefits of home sleep testing versus a sleep lab may vary depending on the specific healthcare system and regulations of a given province, such as Ontario. Here are some potential benefits of home sleep testing compared to a sleep lab in Ontario:

  1. Reduced wait times: In Ontario, the wait time for a sleep lab study can be lengthy. Home sleep testing can be scheduled more quickly, which can help patients receive a diagnosis and treatment sooner.

  2. More convenient: Ontario is a large province, and many people live in rural or remote areas where accessing a sleep lab may be difficult. Home sleep testing can be done from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a more convenient option for many patients.

  3. Reduced exposure to COVID-19: During the COVID-19 pandemic, home sleep testing may be a safer option as it minimizes exposure to others who may be infected. Home sleep testing can be done without leaving your home, reducing the risk of exposure.

  4. Less disruptive to daily routine: For some patients, traveling to a sleep lab and spending the night in an unfamiliar environment can be disruptive to their daily routine. Home sleep testing allows patients to sleep in their own bed, which may provide a more accurate representation of their sleep patterns.

  5. Lower cost: In Ontario, home sleep testing is not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) however, some insurance companies cover the cost  if certain criteria are met. 

    Ready to get your sleep on track? Fill out our referral form and we’ll be in touch within 24 hours to have your sleep test delivered to your front door as soon as possible.

#SleepEfficiency #SleepApnea #SleepTest #OHIP #Ottawa #Sleep #SleepBenefits #OttawaHospitals


The National Sleep Foundation:  https://www.thensf.org/ 

Sleep Foundation:  https://www.sleepfoundation.org/ 

American Academy of Sleep Medicine:  https://aasm.org/

Andrew Holmes RPSGT, Corporate Sleep Consultant

With over 15 years of experience in sleep diagnostics and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) therapy, Andrew is a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) and sleep expert. He has a demonstrated history of working in leadership roles within hospital and healthcare environments. Andrew is skilled in polysomnography, media and public speaking, and is a sleep consultant to the Ottawa Senators Hockey Organization.


Understanding the Benefits of Each Stage of Sleep


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