Executive Sleep Program

Better Sleep Starts Tonight

In today’s fast-paced world, where innovation and speed are everything, sleep is often sacrificed to stay ahead.

Our program is designed to empower employees with proper sleep hygiene practices and identify those in need of personal treatment plans.

Program Features

  • Educational Seminars

    Strengthen organizational commitment to safety and equip employees with the knowledge to prevent and overcome fatigue related issues.

  • Screening & Testing

    Our sleep screening tools and at-home testing devices allow us to identify what portion of your workforce may be suffering from sleep disorders.

  • Treatment

    Individualized sleep and treatment plans for you and each team member suffering from sleep disorders. All results reviewed by a respirologist and are private and confidential.

  • Support and Follow Up

    Quarterly check-ins to ensure personalized sleep plans are optimized. One-on-one virtual consultations for ongoing support and intervention if needed.

Why Sleep Matters

Overlooking the impact of fatigue impairment can have severe consequences on your business and your employees. Implementing a proactive fatigue management program can prevent workplace accidents, reduce medical costs and increase employee retention.

Negative Risks Include:

  • Impaired mental function

  • Excessive day time sleepiness (EDS)

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Reduced immune function

  • Performance deficits

How We Can Help?

  • Employer Benefits

    • Reduced medical and insurance costs

    • Increased employee retention

    • Reduction in workplace injuries

    • Improved employee health and well-being

    • Increased productivity

  • Employee Benefits

    • Increased cardiovascular health

    • Improved mental function

    • Reduced stress

    • Strengthened immune system

    • Results are private and confidential

Invest In Sleep,

Invest In Success

Your leadership drives your company’s future. Investing in fatigue management, you’re investing in sustained success, innovation, and growth.