Your safety comes first


Today, as the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) persists throughout our community, Sleep Efficiency is taking every precaution necessary to ensure the safety of our patients and staff members. Strict policy and procedures surrounding cleaning protocols are in place, with regards to disinfecting our Philips Alice Night One sleep systems.

Currently there is no official approved disinfectant listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for eliminating COVID-19. Sleep Efficiency is following the specific cleaning guidelines as outlined by the manufacturer.

All of our equipment and accessories are cleaned with a Clorox Disinfectant Wipe (DIN 02466031) as per Health Canada guidelines found here:

If you’re worried you’ve been exposed to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) or have symptoms you can take the Government of Ontario Self-Assessment here:

You will get a recommendation on what to do next.

You can also take it on behalf of someone else.